Huehuecanauhtlus was a herbivore. It lived in the Cretaceous period and inhabited North America. Its fossils have been found in places such as Mexico (Mexico).

Quick facts about Huehuecanauhtlus:

  • Existed from 86.3 million years ago to 83.6 million years ago
  • Lived in a terrestrial habitat
  • Was a herbivore
  • Reproduced by laying eggs
  • 2 different specimens have been found by paleontologists

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Huehuecanauhtlus was described by the following scientific paper(s):
  • M. Benammi and E. Centeno-García. 2005. Presencia de dinosaurios en la Barranca Los Bonetes en el sur de México (Región de Tiquicheo, Estado de Michoacán) y sus implicaciones cronoestratigráficas [Presence of dinosaurs in the Barranca Los Bonetes in southern Mexico (Tiquicheo region, Michoacán state) and their chronostratigraphic implications]. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 22(3):429-435
  • A. A. Ramírez-Velasco and M. Benammi. 2012. Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis, a new hadrosauroid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Michoacán, Mexico. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49:379-395