Vouivria was a herbivore. It lived in the Jurassic period and inhabited Europe. Its fossils have been found in places such as Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France).

Quick facts about Vouivria:

  • Existed from Oxfordian Age to Kimmeridgian Age
  • Lived in a terrestrial habitat
  • Was a herbivore
  • Reproduced by laying eggs
  • Only one specimen has been found by paleontologists

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Vouivria was described by the following scientific paper(s):
  • J. d. Dorlodot. 1934. L’exploration du gîte à dinosauriens Jurassiques de Damparis [Exploration of the Juraassic dinosaur locality in Damparis]. La Terre et la Vie 4(10):563-586